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- ⭐ TOPVALU精選 ⭐
- ♨️ 火鍋必備 Hotpot Essentials🍲
- 🍈 水果 Fruits 🍊
- 🥬 蔬菜及馬鈴薯 Vegetables & Potatoes 🥔
- 🥚 乳製食品及雞蛋 Dairy & Eggs 🧀
- 🥛 牛奶及乳製或豆類飲品 Milk & Dairy and Soy-based Drinks 🐄
- 🥟 即食冷凍食品、餃子及點心 Dumplings & Dim Sum 🍗
- 🐟 魚類及海鮮 Fish & Seafood 🐠
- 🐄 肉類及家禽 Meat & Poultry 🐓
- 🍖 火腿、肉腸及肉丸 Ham, Sausages, Sliced Meat & Meatballs 🥓
- 🍢 冷凍豆類製品及蒟蒻 Soy-based Items & Konjac 🍙
- 🍮 冷凍甜品 Chilled Desserts 🍰
- 🍝 麵、意大利粉及穀類 Noodles, Pasta and Carbohydrates 🍜
- 🌾 米及食油 Rice & Cooking Oil 🍚
- 🥫 罐裝及包裝餐類 Canned Packaged Food 🥫
- 🍱 即食餐品及漬物 Ready-to-Eat & Pickled Items 🍢
- 🥣 即沖湯類、醬料、調味品及烹調材料 Soup Mix, Sauces, Condiments and Cooking Ingredients 🧂
- 🧂 醬料、調味品及烹調材料 Sauces, Condiments and Cooking Ingredients 🍴
- 🍞 麵包糕點 Bakery 🧁
- 🥪 穀類早餐、果醬、蜜糖及三文治醬 Cereals, Jam ,Honey and Spreads 🍯
- 🍫 朱古力及糖果 Chocolate & Sweets 🍬
- 🍟 脆片、薯片及其他零食 Crisps & Other Snacks 🍟
- 🍪 餅乾 Biscuits & Cookies 🍪
- 🧃 飲品 Beverages 🥤
- 🍵 茶、咖啡及即沖飲品 Tea, Coffee & Ready to drink Beverages ☕️
- 🍶 日本酒 Japanese Alcohol 🌸
- 🍺 啤酒、黑啤及蘋果酒 Beer, Stout & Cider 🍻
- 🥃 白蘭地、威士忌及烈酒 Brandy, Whisky & Spirit 🍸
- 🍾 香檳及汽酒 Champagne & Sparkling Wine 🥂
- 🐶 寵物用品 Pet Supplies 🐱
- 🧻 紙巾、廁紙、廚房及家居用品 Tissue, Toilet Rolls, Kitchenware & Household Goods 🧽
- 🧴 護膚品及個人護理 Skin & Body Care 🛀
- 😷 保健產品及藥物 Healthcare & Medicine 💊
- 請客人確保在指定時間領取您的自取訂單,如您未能在晚上10時15分前領取訂單,商戶將自行處置貨物,恕不退款。若有任何疑問,歡迎致電戶戶送客戶服務團隊 5808 8718查詢。 Please ensure your timely arrival at the store to collect your items, either at the designated Target Pick-up Time or slightly before. The store will retain your items until 10:15 pm following the Target Pick-up Time. Should you fail to retrieve your items by this time, the store will proceed with their disposal. It is important to note that you will still be held accountable for the associated charges in the event of non-collection.
- 假若你想選擇「無接觸送餐」服務,你可以於結帳時在「新增速遞員指示」一欄中輸入「無接觸送餐 Contactless」